







20099 –20146  山东大学,护理学,本科(医学学士学位)

2011920121  台湾成功大学,交换生

20149 –20176  山东大学,护理学,硕士(医学硕士学位)

20188–20217  香港中文大学,护理学,博士(哲学博士学位)



20224月至今  新葡的京集团350vip8888,副研究员









1.      国家自然科学基金青年基金,社区建成环境视角下心血管病高危人群健康行为促进机制与环境匹配干预研究,2024.01-2026.1230万元,主持

2.      中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目,时空行为视角下多维社区建成环境对心血管病风险的影响及高危人群精准干预模式的构建,2023-20245万元,主持

3.      新葡的京集团350vip8888人才引进科研启动经费,2022.04-2025.0315万元,主持

4.      山东省重点研发计划,慢性心衰患者自我护理预测因素模型及标准化干预流程的构建与评估,2016-201810万元,参与



1.        新葡的京集团350vip8888虚拟仿真实验教学课程项目,临床患者自杀危机干预综合模拟实训,2023,参与



1.      武汉市委人才办,“武汉英才(优秀青年人才)”,2023

2.      香港研究资助局,香港博士研究生奖学计划 (Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, 2018-2021)

3.      香港中文大学护理学博士杰出学术奖 (Outstanding Academic Award for Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, 2020-2021)

4.      包玉刚基金会慢性病优质护理发展中心奖学金 (2020-2021, Y. K. Pao Foundation Scholarship)



1.      Zou, H., Chair, S. Y., Luo, D., Liu, Q., Wang, X. Q., & Yang, B. X. (2023). A mindfulness-oriented psycho-behavioral intervention for patients with acute coronary syndrome: A pilot study. Heart & Lung, 62, 240–248. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrtlng.2023.08.009 (SCI/SSCI, JCR一区, IF: 2.8)

2.      Zou, H., Chair, S. Y., Zhang, C., & Bao, A. (2023). Depressive and anxiety symptoms and illness perception among patients with acute coronary syndrome. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 79(7), 2632–2642. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.15612 (SCI/SSCI, JCR一区, IF: 3.8)

3.      Chair, S. Y., Lo, S. W. S., Cheung, H. Y., Sit, J. W. H., Wang, Q., & Zou, H.* (2022). Vasomotor symptoms, cardiovascular risk factors, and cardiovascular disease risk among Chinese postmenopausal women in Hong Kong. Women & Health, 62(7), 621–632. https://doi.org/10.1080/03630242.2022.2100034 (SSCI, IF: 1.6)

4.      Chair, S. Y., Zou, H.*, & Cao, X. (2021). A systematic review of effects of recorded music listening during exercise on physical activity adherence and health outcomes in patients with coronary heart disease. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 64(2), 101447. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rehab.2020.09.011 (SCI, 中科院一区TOP, JCR一区, IF: 4.6)

5.      Zou, H., Chair, S. Y.*, & Cao, X. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of mindfulness-based interventions for patients with coronary heart disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(5), 2197–2213. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14738(SCI/SSCI, JCR一区, IF: 3.8)

6.      Chair, S. Y., Zou, H.*, & Cao, X. (2021). Effects of exercise therapy for adults with coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.  Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 36(1), 56–77. https://doi.org/10.1097/JCN.0000000000000713 (SCI/SSCI, JCR二区, IF: 2.0)

7.      Zou, H., Chair, S. Y., & Cao, X. (2020). P191 The effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions on perceived stress, depression and anxiety in patients with coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Heart Journal, 41(Supplement_1). https://doi.org/10.1093/ehjci/ehz872.066 (会议摘要, SCI, JCR一区, IF: 39.3)

8.      Zou, H., Cao, X., Geng, J., & Chair, S. Y.* (2020). Effects of mindfulness-based interventions on health-related outcomes for patients with heart failure: A systematic review. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing19(1), 44–54. https://doi.org/10.1177/1474515119881947  SCI/SSCI, JCR一区, IF: 2.9

9.      Zhang, X., Zou, H., Hou, D., He, D., & Fan, X*. (2020). Functional status mediates the association of nutritional status with depressive symptoms in patients with heart failure. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(12), 3363–3371. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14522 (SCI/SSCI, JCR一区, IF: 3.8)

10.  Zou, H., Chen, Y., Fang, W., Zhang, Y., & Fan, X*. (2017). Identification of factors associated with self-care behaviors using the COM-B model in patients with chronic heart failure. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 16(6), 530-538. https://doi.org/10.1177/1474515117695722 (SCI/SSCI, JCR一区, IF: 2.9)

11.  Zou, H., Tian, Q., Chen, Y., ChenG, C., & Fan, X*. (2017). Coping Styles Mediate the Relationship Between Self-esteem, Health Locus of Control, and Health-Promoting Behavior in Chinese Patients With Coronary Heart Disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 32(4), 331-338. https://doi.org/10.1097/jcn.0000000000000357 (SCI/SSCI, JCR二区, IF: 2.0)

12.  Chen, Y., Zou, H., Zhang, Y., Fang, W., & Fan, X*. (2017). Family Caregiver Contribution to Self-care of Heart Failure: An Application of the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 32(6), 576–583. https://doi.org/10.1097/JCN.0000000000000398 (SCI/SSCI, JCR二区, IF: 2.0)

13.  Zou, H., Chen, Y., Fang, W., Zhang, Y., & Fan, X*. (2016). The mediation effect of health literacy between subjective social status and depressive symptoms in patients with heart failure. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 91, 33-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2016.10.006  (SCI/SSCI, JCR二区, IF: 4.7)

14.  Cheng, C., Yang, L., Chen, Y., Zou, H., Su, Y., & Fan, X*. (2016). Attributions, future time perspective and career maturity in nursing undergraduates: correlational study design. BMC Medical Education, 16, 26. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-016-0552-1 (SCI/SSCI, JCR二区, IF: 3.6)

15.  邹会静,范秀珍*. (2016). 基于自我决定理论的老年护理学教学设计. 中国高等医学教育, 2016(4): 1-2.



1.        Psychological stress and its correlates in Chinese patients with acute coronary syndrome, 电子墙报报告, EuroHeartCare Congress 2021,线上, 2021/06/18-19

2.        Depression, anxiety, illness perception and their associations among Chinese patients with acute coronary syndrome, 口头报告, The 7th Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference, 中国香港, 2021/05/2829

3.        Effects of exercise therapy for adults with coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, 口头报告, The 7th Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference, 中国香港, 2021/05/2829

4.        Psychometric properties of the Chinese (Mandarin) version of HeartQoL among patients post-acute coronary syndrome, 口头报告, 第三十一届长城国际心脏病学会议(The Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology/Asian Heart Society Congress, GW-ICC/AHS), 北京/线上, 2020/10/1925

5.        Effects of listening to music while exercising on physical activity adherence and health outcomes among patients with coronary heart disease: A systematic review, 墙报报告, [Poster presentation]. 第三十一届长城国际心脏病学会议(The Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology/Asian Heart Society Congress, GW-ICC/AHS), 北京/线上, 2020/10/1925

6.        The effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions on perceived stress, depression and anxiety in patients with coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 墙报报告, European Society of Cardiology Asia with Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology & Asean Federation of Cardiology (ESC Asia with APSC & AFC) Conference 2019, 新加坡, 2019/11/810

7.        Quality of life and association with cardiovascular risk factors, illness perception, and depression in Chinese patients with acute coronary syndrome, 墙报报告, The 21st Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Factors – East Meets West Symposium, 中国香港, 2019/09/2829.

8.        The effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in health-related outcomes in patients with heart failure: A systematic review, 口头报告, The First Cochrane Hong Kong Symposium, 中国香港, 2019/05/2324.



1. 邹会静(译).《恢复情绪稳定的实用辩证行为疗法技巧——12周辩证行为疗法手册》[M]. 武汉:新葡的京集团350vip8888出版社 (已校正待出版)






多次受邀担任European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing BMC Cardiovascular DisordersHeart & LungFrontiers in PsychologySCI/SSCI期刊同行评审专家

系别 职务 副研究员,硕士生导师,武汉英才(优秀青年人才)
电话 邮箱 huijingzou@whu.edu.cn